Quick Tips for Building Accurate Budgets

In this first post of our Tips & Tricks series, I’ll explore the steps that set you up for success: ensuring your asset data is complete.

Step 1: Check for Missing Asset Information

When starting a new budget, I first review the Assets section of the budget. A “Missing Info” section will automatically appear if any assets have incomplete information. This feature flags issues (missing needed purchase or warranty expiration dates) so you can address them immediately.

Step 2: Use Filters to Quickly Identify Issues

To resolve these issues, use the “Missing Purchase Date” filter. This allows you to see which assets are missing purchase dates instantly. PropelYourMSP tries to fetch this information automatically, but some manufacturers don’t make it available. 

Step 3: Update Asset Information

Here’s how to fix it:

  • Manually Add Dates for Individual Assets: Click in the field and enter the purchase date and warranty expiration date.
  • Bulk Edit for Similar Assets: If multiple assets share the same dates, you can save time by selecting them all, clicking “Bulk Edit Selected Assets” under Actions, and entering the dates under General (Purchase Date) and Warranty (Warranty Expiration Date).
  • Update Dates: enter dates under General (Purchase Date) and Warranty (Warranty Expiration Date).

Once all missing information is updated, the “Missing Info” section will disappear, and your budget will be ready to go.


You can also use the “Missing Warr. Exp. Date” Filter for missing warranties if the “Missing Info” section is still displayed.


Pro Tip: Hardware Process

To save time in the future, make it a part of your process to enter purchase and warranty information into your PSA whenever you sell hardware from manufacturers that PropelYourMSP doesn’t automatically support. This way, your data stays accurate, and subsequent budgets are even faster to build.

We’re excited to share more tips in the coming weeks to help you make the most of PropelYourMSP. Got questions or suggestions for future posts or need help?

Let us know—we’re here to help!

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